Mussaenda pink
Mussaenda pink
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Mussaenda pink bushes are evergreens in the Rubiaceae family that blooms year around. The bloom colors can be pink, red or white with red, white or pink bracts or sepals surrounding the flowers.
Nerium Oleander
Nerium Oleander
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
An ornamental shrub to 4m, often with many slender stems from the ground. Dwarf, double-flowered and variegated varieties are now popular. The perfumed flowers are pink, red, white or apricot, 4–5cm across with five spreading petals, and are usually clustered at the end of the branches.
Passion Flower Red
Passion Flower Red
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Passionflower is a creeping perennial vine with white, purple-tinged flowers and orange berries that grows to a height of up to 30 feet Other names for passionflower include maypop, granadilla, passion vine, and apricot vine..
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Pentas is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. The plants have hairy green leaves and clusters of flowers in shades of red, white, pink, and purple. Penta’s are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
Petrea volubilis
Petrea volubilis
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Plumeria alba
Plumeria alba
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Plumeria alba is a species of the genus Plumeria . This 2-8m deciduous shrub has narrow elongated leaves, large and strongly perfumed white flowers with a yellow center.
Quisqualis indica (Madhu Malti)
Quisqualis indica (Madhu Malti)
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Madhumalti Rangoon creeper is a tropical vine popular for its color-changing blooms and tough habit. The heady fragrance of its pink, red and white blooms, borne in bunches all over its massive spread, has captivated the imaginations of poets and artists alike.
Tecoma Yellow
Tecoma Yellow
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Yellow trumpetbush is an attractive plant that is cultivated as an ornamental. It has sharply toothed, pinnate green leaves and bears large, showy, bright golden yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. It is drought-tolerant and grows well in warm climates. The plant produces pods containing yellow plant with papery wings.
Texas sage dwarf
Texas sage dwarf
- Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.
Texas sage can achieve While the grayish-green, woolly leaves are not terribly spectacular, the new wood on the plant produces copious lavender purple, magenta or white flowers. These have three fuzzy petals and a fused set below with conspicuous white anthers.