Since 1948, by Kamal Kishore Saini & Sons HUF

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Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹680.00.

  • Shipping only for DELHI / NCR. Available in nursery for pickup.

Araucaria are mainly large trees with a massive erect stem, reaching a height of 5–80 metres The horizontal, spreading branches grow in whorls and are covered with leathery or needle-like leaves. In some species, the leaves are narrow, awl-shaped and lanceolate, barely overlapping each other; in other they are broad and flat, and overlap broadly.



Evergreen, mostly dioecious trees with regularly whorled branches. Buds inconspicuous. Young trees branched to the ground, old trees with a long clear bole and flattened crown. Juvenile leaves needle-like, thin, loosely imbricate, spirally arranged. Adult leaves usually scale-like or sometimes needle-like, spirally arranged or nearly 2-ranked, usually closely imbricate, overlapping, flattened, sometimes lanceolate and sharp-pointed, persistent for many years, often with faint stomata above. Male cones terminal and solitary or disposed in clusters, with numerous spirally arranged stamens, anthers 6-8 celled. Female cones globose, ripening in 2-3 years.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 100 × 100 × 200 cm


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