₹180.00Read more
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Artichoke Green Globe (seeds)
Artichoke Green Globe (seeds)
- Best Suitable for Terrace Gardening ,Grow bag Kitchen Gardening ,Terrace Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening
- Package Contents:Seed Pack
- The original improved artichoke,Green globe flowers in early summer. The flower buds are deep green with a light purple tinge.

₹60.00Add to cart
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Bhindi (seeds)
Bhindi (seeds)

₹60.00Add to cart
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Bitter Gourd (seeds)
Bitter Gourd (seeds)

₹196.00Read more
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Bok choy (seeds)
Bok choy (seeds)
Pak choi or pok choi is a type of Chinese cabbage. Chinensis varieties do not form heads and have green leaf blades with lighter bulbous bottoms instead, forming a cluster reminiscent of mustard green.

₹60.00Add to cart
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Bottle Gourd Round (seeds)
Bottle Gourd Round (seeds)

₹60.00Add to cart
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Bottle Gourd(seeds)
Bottle Gourd(seeds)
Bottle gourd, also called white-flowered gourd or calabash gourd, running or climbing vine of the gourd family .
- Commonly known as Lauki
- Good source of Vitamin A, C, K, Dietary Fiber and Iron
- Especially the bottle gourd or lauki juice is beneficial for weight loss

₹100.00Read more
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Carrot Black (seeds)
Carrot Black (seeds)
- One Pack Of Radish Red Long Vegetable Seeds +Germination Guide For Happy Gardening.
- Good quality seeds
- Easy to Grow & Easy to Maintain
- Organic carrot black wonder seeds with germination guide for sowing

₹90.00Read more
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Cauliflower (seeds)
Cauliflower (seeds)
- Item Type: Cauliflower Seeds Variety Early

₹150.00Read more
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Chinese Cabbage (Seeds)
Chinese Cabbage (Seeds)
Chinese cabbage which includes pak choy, bok choy, Michihli, and celery cabbage is a cool-weather vegetable. Sow Chinese cabbage directly in the garden as early as 4 to 6 weeks before the last average frost date in spring. Chinese cabbage must come to harvest in the cool temperatures and shorter days of spring or autumn before temperatures rise above 75°F. Plants require from 50 to 85 days to come to harvest depending upon the variety/.
Superior Quality Fresh Pack
- Best Suitable For Home Garden ,Terrace Gardening ,Grow Bag Cultivation, Kitchen Gardening ,Terrace Poly House Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening
- Easy to Grow – Can be grown in Indian climate/weather conditions .Do not use for food, feed, or oil purposes ,Seeds are only for Agriculture and plantaion purpose

₹60.00Add to cart
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Coriander (seeds)
Coriander (seeds)

₹70.00Read more
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Cowpea (seeds)
Cowpea (seeds)

₹60.00Add to cart
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Cucumber (seeds)
Cucumber (seeds)
The cucumber plant is a tender annual with a rough, succulent, trailing stem. The hairy leaves have three to five pointed lobes, and the stem bears branched tendrils by which the plant can be trained to supports.
- Can be eaten raw or used in salads, soups and juices
- Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight

₹180.00Read more
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Dil (seeds)
Dil (seeds)
Successful cultivation requires warm to hot summers with high sunshine levels; even partial shade will reduce the yield substantially. It also prefers rich, well-drained soil. The seeds are viable for three to ten years. The plants are somewhat monocarpic and quickly die after “bolting” (producing seeds). Hot temperatures may quicken bolting.
The seed is harvested by cutting the flower heads off the stalks when the seed is beginning to ripen. The seed heads are placed upside down in a paper bag and left in a warm, dry place for a week. The seeds then separate from the stems easily for storage in an airtight container.

₹180.00Read more
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Fennel Florence (seeds)
Fennel Florence (seeds)
Florence fennel, HERB seeds . Florence fennel is an ornamental vegetable, is grown for its swollen leaf bases or ‘bulbs’ and edible leaves. Florence fennel is the bulb type of fennel eaten as a vegetable. Traditional Italian herb with a wonderful anise taste. Romanesco Fennel is also called Roman or Florence Fennel.
- Florence fennel is an ornamental vegetable, is grown for its swollen leaf bases or ‘bulbs’ and edible leaves. Florence fennel is the bulb type of fennel eaten as a vegetable.
- Seeds – Florence fennel, HERB seeds
- Easy to Grow & Easy to Maintain

₹250.00Read more
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Lavender (seeds)
Lavender (seeds)
Lavenders flourish best in dry, well-drained, sandy or gravelly soils in full sun .All types need little or no fertilizer and good air circulation. In areas of high humidity, root rot due to fungus infection can be a problem. Organic mulches can trap moisture around the plants’ bases, encouraging root rot. Gravelly materials such as crushed rocks give better results. It grows best in soils with a pH between 6 and 8. Most lavender is hand-harvested, and harvest times vary depending on intended use.

₹250.00Read more
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Lemon Balm (seeds)
Lemon Balm (seeds)
The leaves are used as a herb, in teas, and also as a flavoring. The plant is used to attract bees for honey production. It is grown as an ornamental plant and for its oil . The tea of lemon balm, the essential oil, and the are used in traditional and alternative medicine, including aromatherapy.
SEED TYPE: Superior Quality

₹70.00Read more
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Onion White (seeds)
Onion White (seeds)
White onion is a cultivar of dry onion that has a pure white papery skin and a sweet, mild white flesh.
Onion needs a temperate climate and alluvial soil to grow in. Depending on the onion growing time and place of cultivation, onion can be grown as long day onions or short day onions
Onion crops need lower temperature and shorter day light for vegetative growth while during the bulb development and maturity stage it needs a higher temperature and longer day light.
- Best Suitable for Terrace Gardening Grow bag Kitchen Gardening,Terrace Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening

₹70.00Read more
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Peas (seeds)
Peas (seeds)
Pea, Pisum sativum, is an annual herbaceous legume in the family Fabaceae grown for its edible seeds and seedpods. The pea plant can be bushy or climbing, with slender stems which attach to a substrate using tendrils
- Green peas are an easy to grow vegetables which prefers moist soil in cool climate.

₹60.00Add to cart
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Red Round Radish (seeds)
Red Round Radish (seeds)

₹60.00Add to cart
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Ridge Gourd (seeds)
Ridge Gourd (seeds)
- It is a vine type plant and needs support to grow
- Easy to grow

₹350.00Read more
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Rosemary (seeds)
Rosemary (seeds)
Rosemary is described as a woody, perennial herb that can become a bushy shrub. The leaves are evergreen and needlelike in shape, and they produce the essential oil that gives rosemary its characteristic scent. They are dark green on the upper side, and the underside has a dense covering of short, white, woolly hairs.

₹60.00Add to cart
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Sponge Gourd (seeds)

₹150.00Read more
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Spring Onion (seeds)
Spring Onion (seeds)
Also known as scallions or green onions, spring onions are in fact very young onions, harvested before the bulb has had a chance to swell. Both the long, slender green tops and the small white bulb are edible, and are good either raw or cooked. They have a similar flavour to onions, but are much milder.
- Organic seeds may treated with thiram to maintain germiantion but seeds are not harmful you can use this seeds for sowing purpose

₹100.00Read more
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Swiss Chard (seeds)
Swiss Chard (seeds)
Green Swiss Chard Collard Red Stem green Leaves seeds (1 unit).
Chard has shiny, green, ribbed leaves, with petioles that range from white to yellow to red, depending on the cultivar
- Perfect seeds for home gardeners
- Easy to Grow – Can be grown in Indian climate ,weather conditions .Do not use for food, feed, or oil purposes ,Seeds are only for Agriculture and plantation purpose

₹60.00Add to cart
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Tinda (seeds)
Tinda (seeds)
- Tinda need a cold, dormant period.Select a site with soil that drains well .After a good rain, find a spot that is the first to dry out. Water trapped beneath the scales may rot the bulb, so a well-drained site is essential.
- Tinda require well-drained soil. Apply any organic fertilizer
- Tinda is a small vegetable, looks like a cross between a green apple and a pumpkin.

₹60.00Add to cart
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Tomato (seeds)
Tomato (seeds)
Tomato is an herbaceous annual in the family Solanaceae grown for its edible fruit. The plant can be erect with short stems or vine-like with long, spreading stems.
- Can be used salads, soups and curries
- Best Suitable For Home Garden, Terrace Gardening, Grow Bag Cultivation, Kitchen Gardening, Terrace Poly House Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening

₹70.00Add to cart
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Turnip (seeds)
Turnip (seeds)
- Best Suitable for Terrace Gardening ,Grow bag Kitchen Gardening ,Terrace Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening